AAE is hiring!

Published June 2023

Senior Actuary/Project Manager

The Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE) wishes to recruit one or two senior actuaries/project managers with an established track record of managing actuarial projects with expertise in specific areas to support their committees.


Rather than expecting mastery in all subjects, the AAE recognizes the importance of specialized backgrounds suited to each committee’s topic. The selected individual(s) will be responsible for managing and coordinating activities within the Solvency II working group, Artificial Intelligence / Data Science (AI-DS) Working Group, the Sustainability and Climate-Related Risks Working Group as well as to the IORP II Review Directive Task Force.


Suitable candidates should possess relevant experience, excellent project management and communication skills, and a good knowledge of the respective fields. Fluency in English with strong drafting skills is required, and the ability to represent AAE independently from industry interests will be taken into account.


Please find the job profile with the relevant details HERE.


Applications should be submitted by email before September 4, 2023, to the AAE Operations Manager, Monique Schuilenburg.

The European Actuary Magazine