AAE Roundtable “Solvency II Review: Expectations towards Actuaries in a Post-pandemic World”



The link to the video is available on actuview.


The AAE Roundtable invites internal and external stakeholder of the European actuarial profession to discuss current topics.

This episode will focus on upcoming challenges arising from changes in the regulatory framework as a result of the Solvency II review as well as from the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. A wholesale approach of covering the costs of pandemia-like phenomena will be too expensive – but if things are well-managed, insurance can take care of residual risks/costs. Against this background, the panel will discuss the arising expectations towards insurers and actuaries.



  • Lutz Wilhelmy, Vice-Chairperson, AAE

Confirmed Panelists:

  • Esko Kivisaari, Past-President, AAE
  • Martin Merlin, Director, FISMA D (Banking, Insurance and financial crime)
  • Leigh Wolfrom, Policy Analyst, OECD’s Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs
  • Angus Scorgie, Head of prudential regulation & international affairs/reinsurance, Insurance Europe


Time and Date: 30/11/2021 – 10.00 – 11.30

Format: Websession / Zoom

The European Actuary Magazine