AAE News

IFRS 17 challenges actuaries both quantitatively and qualitatively

The IFRS 17 identity By Servaas Houben DRS. S. HOUBEN AAG FIA CFA FRM works as Manager Actuarial at Ergo Insurance, Brussels, Belgium.   Do not judge a book by […]

Machine learning techniques versus privacy in non-life insurance pricing

Insurance pricing: discrimination Causality and fairness By Mathias Lindholm, Ronald Richman, Andreas Tsanakas and Mario Wüthrich  MATHIAS LINDHOLM   RONALD RICHMAN    ANDREAS TSANAKAS   MARIO WÜTHRICH     Over […]

Enthusiasts and doomsayers about ChatGPT and the actuarial profession

ChatGPT and the philosophers By Joel Walmsley JOEL WALMSLEY is a Philosopher at University College Cork, in Ireland.   Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly  becoming an integral part of many […]

The future challenges for actuaries with five different changes

AAE PRIORITIES IN 2023 A STEP ON OUR WAY By Lutz Wilhelmy LUTZ WILHELMY is Chairperson of the Actuarial Association of Europe.   In this article, I would like to […]

The impact of the EU Act on Artificial Intelligence for actuaries

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE THE ACT AND THE IMPACT JONAS OFFTERMATT  Germany     MICHAEL ZIMMER Germany   As data and AI become more widespread, the issue of ethical AI is also […]

The actuarial profession spreads its wings to a wider field throughout Europe

Actuarial jobs outlook Zuzana Weber Slovakia   Jozef Hancar Slovakia   Rafael Moreno Ruiz Spain Giampaolo Crenca Italy   Martin Oymanns Germany   Henning Wergen Germany   The field of […]

Seven steps to prepare your company for the EU AI Act

How the EU AI Act will concretely impact your companies and how to get ready …. By Sophie Le Goff, Pauline Baron and Rachel Jaoui SOPHIE LE GOFF is Partner […]

Influencing how others respond to your recommendations as an actuary

Leadership (and influencing) with the brain in mind By Lori Shook LORI SHOOK is a London based coach, trainer, speaker and author. Her company, shooksvensen, supports organisations to become great […]

How can actuaries play a crucial role in the adaptation of AI in the insurance industry?

Man and machine: a bright future for insurance? Interview by Jennifer Baker MATEUSZ MAJ, the CEO of Vivadrive, has been an entrepreneur since 2012, co-founding technology startups and mentoring at […]

The European Actuary Magazine