Open consultations stakeholders

Currently, the AAE is preparing a response to the following consultations.

If you wish to contribute, please make sure to contact the AAE Secretariat a.s.a.p.


Status Consultation Title   Source   Issue date   Internal deadline   Deadline EIOPA   Committees involved
Open EIOPA Consultation on the supervision of liquidity risk management plans EIOPA 1/10/2024 17/11/2024 2/1/2025 SII (IC) + RMC
Open EIOPA Consultation on the criteria for the identification of exceptional sector-wide shocks EIOPA 1/10/2024 17/11/2024 2/1/2025 SII (IC) + RMC

EIOPA consults on mass-lapse reinsurance and reinsurance termination clauses to enhance guidance on risk mitigation techniques

EIOPA 8/11/2024 12/1/2025 7/2/2025 SII (IC) + RMC

EIOPA Consultation on the proposal for RTS on management of sustainability risks including sustainability risk plans (SII)

EIOPA 4/12/2024 23/1/2025 26/2/2025 IC/RMC >> SII and SCrR WG

Consultation on a report on biodiversity risk management by insurers (SII)

EIOPA 4/12/2024 23/1/2025 26/2/2025 IC/RMC >> SII and SCrR WG

Consultation on revised guidelines on undertaking-specific parameters (SII)

EIOPA 4/12/2024 23/1/2025 26/2/2025 IC/RMC >> SII

Consultation on revised guidelines on market and counterparty risk exposures (SII)

EIOPA 4/12/2024 23/1/2025 26/2/2025 IC/RMC >> SII


(updated 19 December 2024)



02 January 2025
The European Actuary Magazine