Environmental regulations represent a strong lever for change in the insurance sector

Published June 2022

Environmental Regulations – an opportunity not to be missed

By Chloé Coursaget and Léonora Le Quang Huy

 width= CHLOÉ COURSAGET is Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the French magazine L’Actuariel and President of Accroche-com.
 width= LÉONORA LE QUANG HUY is Strategy Consultant at Accroche-com.


The number of environmental regulations is on the rise in Europe.
The European Actuary talked to Chloé Coursaget and Léonora Le Quang Huy about their view that environmental regulations represent a strong lever for change in the insurance sector – rather like GDPR a few years ago.


Read the full article here.



This article represents the opinion of the interviewees, and not necessarily the opinion of the AAE.

This article was published in The European Actuary No. 30 – June 2022

The European Actuary Magazine