Make sure to block your calendar for the AAE sessions at CONVENTION A!

Published July 2022

 width= Inga Helmane, AAE Board member


Connecting Knowledge! A great theme for CONVENTION A and certainly in line with the AAE’s strategic objectives.

AAE is proud to be hosting two session slots at Convention A. The theme is appealing and reflects all aspects of the AAE’s strategic objectives.

To give you a quick insight in what we have planned, here are some details:


On 20 September 2022, from 09:00-13:00, the programme will start with an introduction by Mária Kamenárová, AAE Chairperson.

This slot contains a variety of interactions:

  • Short videos of actuaries working in various fields
  • A keynote speech from Peter Braumüller (MD Financial Market Authority, Austria) on the Future Role of the Actuary.
  • A panel discussion on ‘the Future Role of the Actuary’ featuring
    • Petra Hielkema (Chair EIOPA),
    • Didier Millerot (Head, Financial Reporting and Accounting Unit, European Commission)
    • Olav Jones (Deputy Director General, Insurance Europe),
      moderated by Lutz Wilhelmy, Vice-Chairperson AAE
  • A presentation of the results of AAE´s IFRS17 Survey by Kristoffer Bork (Chair AAE IFRS17 working group) and Gunn Albertsen (AAE Board member and Chair AAE Communications Panel)


On 22 September 2022, from 09:00-13:00 the programme is dedicated to the AAE Committees. They will present hot topics such as:

  • Fit and Proper
  • Inflation from a low rate environment
  • Risk Management for Pensions
  • Climate Scenarios, Sustainable Products
  • Data Science

All sessions will include a Q&A.


If these topics appeal to you, then make sure to register. Every effort is made to make this first global actuarial event a success.


More information can be found on the CONVENTION A website.


And if this made you curious about upcoming events, then please keep an eye on your inbox or check the AAE website and event calendar. There is more to come. All upcoming interesting events are listed in the AAE Newsletter, subscribe here.


This blog is written in a personal capacity.

12 July 2022


The European Actuary Magazine