The climate crisis is a matter for all of us, read the AAE position on this topic

Published March 2022

Sustainability and climate change: main positions of the AAE

By Frank Schiller

 width= DR. FRANK SCHILLER has been working at Munich Re as Chief Actuary in life and health reinsurance since 2015 and is responsible for the markets in Europe, Latin America (till 2020) and Middle East.


In recent decades we have seen increased insurance losses due to natural catastrophes. A wide range of commentators, including leading reinsurers and modelling firms, report clear upward trends in risks that can be directly connected to climate change. These trends have been observed, modelled and explained by scientists. Leading experts in this field have been honoured by Nobel prizes for their research. The AAE is deeply concerned about the effects of the climate crisis endangering mankind and the unprecedented risks it introduces for all economic sectors and in particular for insurance, reinsurance and rest of the financial sector.


Read the full article here.


This article was published in The European Actuary No. 29 – March 2021

The European Actuary Magazine