The ECA tradition goes on: European actuaries meet in less than two weeks

Published May 2022



Maria Kamenarova,
Chairperson AAE

Wilhelm Schneemeier,
Chairperson ECA Steering Committee


With a one-year delay – due to the global Corona pandemic, of course – the upcoming fourth edition of the European Congress of Actuaries on June 2 and 3 in Madrid, Spain, will finally offer again the opportunity to watch exciting presentations from in front of the stage, to discuss face-to-face hot topics with the speakers and the audience, as well as to network with colleagues from all over Europe and beyond.

Even though the last two years have led to many, valuable advances in digital events, the AAE together with the Instituto de Actuarios de Espãnoles as organizers are very much looking forward to the personal exchange and professional input from all the colleagues and experts participating in the on-site conference in Madrid.

The congress program will be led by four keynote speakers

  • Gonzalo García Andrés, Secretary of State for Economy, Spain
  • Santiago Arechaga, CEO Iberia, Swiss Re, with
    Melissa Leitner, Head of Sustainable L&H Delivery, Swiss Re,
  • Petra Hielkema, Chairperson, EIOPA,
  • Andreas Märkert, Chair, CRO Forum

with exciting insights in the areas of current economic challenges, sustainability, regulation, and emerging risks.


In addition, we are pleased to welcome many experts and colleagues, mostly from our actuarial community, who will present in the 36 parallel sessions on a large variety of current topics of our profession.

So, overall, we are surely looking forward to a diverse and certainly inspiring program in Madrid.

A very special highlight will be to welcome the more than 200 registered participants from 25 countries to the event venue physically. Certainly, still with some caution, but nevertheless, we´ll be able to see and exchange each other directly.

And not only during the breaks: Thanks to the CERA Global Association, the early arrivers will already have the opportunity for first networking on the evening on 1 June before the congress starts, while the Spanish evening on 2 June will then invite all participants to a relaxed get-together at a traditional Spanish estate with wine, good food and nice music.


Finally, we would like to take the opportunity to thank those without whom the event would not be possible:

Our central congress partners ORTEC Finance and Swiss Re as well as all other silver and bronze partners.

And for those good at deciding late: There are still tickets available on


We are looking very much forward to the fourth ECA starting soon!


This blog is written in a personal capacity.

23 May 2022


The European Actuary Magazine