As communicated in the AAE General Assembly held on 1 October 2021, the new AAE Slogan is: advising, achieving, engaging.
Winner of the prize for the best slogan is Henning Wergen, who is a member of the ECA 2022 organising team.
Henning has generously decided to donate his prize to anyone of the members who took the effort to submit a slogan proposal.
A prize draw performed by Mária Kamenárová, chairperson of the AAE, resulted in Elina Tilta-Gerika (Latvia) to be awarded this prize. The AAE Board generously extended this prize to not only include a free ticket to ECA2022, but also to reimburse travel and hotel costs.
Elina will be contacted to make the appropriate arrangements.
Henning received a nice box of Belgian chocolate as thanks for his generous donation from Mária Kamenárová.