Today the AAE issued a press release with respect to the publication of the AAE discussion paper ‘A Primer on Inflation Risk Management’. The press release is available here.
Today the AAE issued a press release with respect to the publication of the AAE discussion paper ‘A Primer on Inflation Risk Management’. The press release is available here.
Giampaolo Crenca Chairperson AAE After a term as Vice-Chairperson, Giampaolo Crenca has now been appointed Chairperson of the AAE, with Inga Helmane stepping into the role of Vice-Chairperson. In […]
AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s public consultation on the ‘Discussion Paper on open insurance: an exploratory use case in the insurance sector’. AAE’s submission can be found here.
Maria Economou Chairperson Social Security Subcommittee AAE Social Security Forum 2023: Shaping the Future of Social Security November 2, 2023 – Online Only Are you concerned about the […]
At the AAE General Assembly, held on 6 October 2023, the AAE adopted the revision of ESAP3 – model standard on Actuarial practice in relation to the ORSA process under […]
The AAE has admitted Asociaţia de Actuariat din Moldova (Actuarial Association of Moldova, AAM), as its 5th Observer Member Association. The press release can be found here.
AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s Consultation on Supervisory Statement on supervision of reinsurance concluded with third country insurance and reinsurance undertakings. AAE’s submission can be found here.
At the AAE General Assembly, held on 6 October 2023, the AAE appointed Giampaolo Crenca (Italy) as Chairperson. Inga Helmane (Latvia) was elected Vice-Chairperson. The press release with further details […]
AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s Staff paper on measures to address demand-side aspects of the NatCat protection. AAE’s submission can be found here.