AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s consultation on technical advice for the review of the IORP II Directive. AAE’s submission can be found here.
AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s consultation on technical advice for the review of the IORP II Directive. AAE’s submission can be found here.
Giampaolo Crenca AAE Vice-Chairperson Frank Schiller AAE Board member In its role representing its professional actuarial members, a key function of the Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE) is maintaining meaningful […]
Column by Esko Kivisaari ESKO KIVISAARI, Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science working group for the AAE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Characteristic to my early actuarial career were simple models […]
Insurability and artificial intelligence By Bogdan Tautan BOGDAN TAUTAN is Reinsurance Analyst and Non-Life Actuary at Achmea Reinsurance, The Netherlands. INSURABILITY AND RISK Actuaries and risk professionals aim at […]
Retirement on a DC pension – similarities, differences and improvements in NL and UK By Gijs Cremers and Hannah English HANNAH ENGLISH is Senior Consultant at Hymans Robertson in London. […]
The IFRS 17 identity By Servaas Houben DRS. S. HOUBEN AAG FIA CFA FRM works as Manager Actuarial at Ergo Insurance, Brussels, Belgium. Do not judge a book by […]
Insurance pricing: discrimination Causality and fairness By Mathias Lindholm, Ronald Richman, Andreas Tsanakas and Mario Wüthrich MATHIAS LINDHOLM RONALD RICHMAN ANDREAS TSANAKAS MARIO WÜTHRICH Over […]