Today, AAE issued a Press release in response to the Commission’s paper “Best practices in relation to relief measures offered to consumers and businesses in the context of COVID-19 crisis” […]
Today, AAE issued a Press release in response to the Commission’s paper “Best practices in relation to relief measures offered to consumers and businesses in the context of COVID-19 crisis” […]
Today, AAE submitted a response to the final report by the High-Level Forum on the completion of the CMU, issued by the Commission. AAE’s submission can be found here. A […]
Today, AAE commented on EIOPA’s discussion paper on IBOR transitions. A summary of AAE’s comments will be available shortly.
Today, AAE submitted a response to the Commission consultation on new digital finance strategy for Europe/FinTech action plan. AAE’s submission can be found here. A summary of the response is […]
Today, AAE submitted a response to the Commission consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence – A European Approach. AAE’s submission can be found here. A summary of the […]
Today, AAE submitted a response to the Commission consultation on the European Strategy for Data. AAE’s submission can be found here. A summary of the response is available here.
Today, the AAE has published a position paper on COVID-19. Please find the full paper here.