How to create sufficient pension benefits for all European citizens

Published June 2022

From Labour Supply to Labour Productivity

By Maria Economou

 width= MARIA ECONOMOU is Chairperson of the Social Security sub Committee of the Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE)
Senior Consultant & Actuary at Aon Solutions Greece


The EU’s working age population has been shrinking for a decade and this is projected to continue.
The population at working age (20–64 years of age), would shrink in all Member States as a proportion of the overall population. Whereas in 2019 people of working age represented 59% of the EU population, this share would fall to 51% by 2070.


Read the full article here.



This article represents the opinion of the author, and not necessarily the opinion of the AAE.

This article was published in The European Actuary No. 30 – June 2022

The European Actuary Magazine