News & Events


Risk Mapping For Social Security Pensions

Risk Mapping For Social Security Pensions by Tibor Parniczky Tibor Parniczky is an Independent Pension Consultant with public service, regulation and supervision, and actuarial background. Risk management and social security […]

New talent in the AAE

Our New Colleague introducing Stephanos Hadjistyllis Stephanos Hadjistyllis is a Senior Actuary and Project Manager The Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE) is pleased to welcome Stephanos Hadjistyllis to our team. […]

What should an actuary know about AI?

What should an actuary know about Artificial Intelligence? By Esko Kivisaari, Claudio Senatore And Bogdan Tautan   Esko Kivisaari is Chairman of the AI-DS working group Claudio Senatore is Global Senior […]

AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s consultation on the 2023/2024 (re)assessment of natural catastrophe risk in the standard formula

AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s consultation on the 2023/2024 (re)assessment of natural catastrophe risk in the standard formula AAE’s submission can be found here. A summary of AAE’s response […]

Looking back on the Solvency II review and anticipating on the future

Article review Solvency II in the UK by Tom Kenny and Florin Ginghina Tom Kenny is is Group Property & Credit Risk Director at Just Group Florin Ginghina is a Senior […]

Will actuaries need additional skills when working with climate risk?

CLIMATE RISK: SHOULD AN ACTUARY HAVE ADDITIONAL SKILLS? by Robert Pusz Robert Pusz is Director of the Risk Management department at PZU, Warsaw While the actuarial community in Europe is […]

Review Of The Solvency II (SII) Directive: State Of Play

Review Of The Solvency II (SII) Directive: State Of Play by Siegbert Baldauf Siegbert Baldauf is an independent actuary and Chair of Solvency II Working Group for AAE The approval […]

AAE published AAE Note: Initial Perspectives on the Review of the Solvency II Directive

The AAE shares its initial perspectives with respect to the review of Solvency II directive.   Read the Note here.

Solvency II review, an interview with Markus Ferber

SOLVENCY II REVIEW with Markus Ferber Markus Ferber is a Member of the European Parliament The Editorial Board posed Markus Ferber, Member of the European Parliament, the following questions about […]



EAA Web Session: AI in the Health & Life Sciences: Ethical Challenges of Big Data
8 November 2024
10:00 - 12:00
EAA Web Session: Modern Financial Simulation Techniques
3 February 2025
10:00 - 12:00
EAA Web Session: Generative AI Crash Course for Actuaries
17 January 2025
09:00 - 12:30
The European Actuary Magazine