We need your help to find the AAE’s slogan!

Published April 2021


Gunn Albertsen
Chairperson AAE Communications WG and AAE Board member


The Board of the Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE) invites all members of AAE Member Associations to suggest a new and permanent slogan for AAE. The proposed slogan should express the vision of the AAE for actuaries throughout Europe to be recognised as the leading quantitative professional advisers in financial services, risk management and social protection, contributing to the well-being of society, and for European institutions to recognise the valuable role that the AAE plays as a leading source of advice on actuarial and related issues.

Ideally, the slogan is a short and catchy phrase, which serves as a memorable amendment to AAE´s name. The slogan should be original and not been used previously for another purpose. The slogan should help to understand AAE’s “why”, both among actuaries throughout Europe and other stakeholders.


Good communication is essential for AAE to achieve the vision of being recognized. Communication is a tool to achieve and maintain strong relationships both to internal and external stakeholders. Both the AAE Board and the AAE Communication Working Group are working to get AAE wider recognized so that stakeholders keep us in mind whenever relevant. I’m realistic and do not think a slogan by itself will solve this, but I expect the slogan to be a memorable amendment to AAE’s name. By adding a slogan to the AAE name our visibility will be increased. To get the best slogan, we need the best proposal, so I encourage you to twist your head and send in your proposal. I am also grateful if you may engage fellow actuaries in the search for the slogan.


Yes, there will be a prize for the best slogan! The author of the winning slogan will receive a free congress ticket for the next European Congress of Actuaries in Madrid in June 2022. This will be a great event, that you should not miss. Here’s the webpage for the event.


You still have time to work with your proposal. The deadline for submissions is 23 May 2021. In case, you would like to receive the awarded prize if your submission is selected, please fill in your name and contact details when submitting your proposal. You may submit maximum two proposals.


The General Assembly in 2020 asked us to find a slogan for AAE, and I hope you will help us to find the best slogan. After the deadline for submissions, the AAE Board will review all submissions and select a shortlist of three proposals. Subsequently, the Member Associations will have the opportunity to select the final new AAE slogan.


I’m looking forward for your suggestions! Here is the link for submitting your proposals.


Thank you for your participation.


This blog is written in a personal capacity.

20 April 2021

The European Actuary Magazine