AAE News

The horizon for actuaries | a column by Giampaolo Crenca

THE HORIZON FOR ACTUARIES a column by Giampaolo Crenca Giampaolo Crenca is Chairperson of the Actuarial Association of Europe ‘The horizon for actuaries is vast, and with passion, enthusiasm and […]

The challenges facing social security in our times

THE CHALLENGES FACING SOCIAL SECURITY IN OUR TIMES by Maria Economou Maria Economou is AAE Chairperson for the Social Security sub Committee Which are the ageing challenges and opportunities? How […]

Catastrophe bonds as an important segment of insurance-linked securities

CATASTROPHE BONDS AS AN IMPORTANT SEGMENT OF INSURANCE-LINKED SECURITIES by Krzysztof BURNECKI KRZYSZTOF BURNECKI  is Head of Academic Team at Actuarial Intelligence Triangle Limited Company, Actuary, Member of the Polish […]

A view on actuarial modelling in insurance the digital age

ACTUARIAL MODELLING IN THE DIGITAL AGE by  Zuzanna CHMIELEWSKA Zuzanna CHMIELEWSKA is an actuary at Triple A, Warsaw In the insurance industry, we face the challenges of uncertainty and unpredictability, […]

Innovation: showcasing banking expertise to actuarial societies

SHOWCASING BANKING EXPERTISE TO  ACTUARIAL SOCIETIES IN THE AMERICAS By Ronald KOZLOWSKI and Michael TICHAREVA Ronald KOZLOWSKI is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society, and the CAS International Ambassador. […]

What is the role of mathematics in computational efficiency?

THE ROLE OF MATHEMATICS IN COMPUTATIONAL EFFICIENCY BEST FRIEND – WORST ENEMY by Alexandre BOUMEZOUED Alexandre BOUMEZOUED is Principal, R&D Director at Milliman Although actuaries have a longstanding relationship with […]

IN MEMORIAM: Costas Koutsopoulos

Dear Actuarial Community, It is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of Mr. Costas Koutsopoulos, former chairperson of the AAE. Mr. Koutsopoulos, a distinguished actuary, studied at both […]

How can cloud computing enable the changing insurance industry?

CLOUD COMPUTING AS A DRIVER FOR INNOVATION IN INSURANCE by Marcel SMITH and Daan TE RIELE Marcel SMITH is is a principal consultant and one of the founding partners of […]

What role could innovation play to bridge insurance and climate?

INSURANCE AND THE CLIMATE AND BIODIVERSITY CRISIS an interview with Regula Hess Regula Hess is Senior Advisor Sustainable Finance at WWF Switzerland Insurance and the climate are opposite matters, so […]

The European Actuary Magazine