For open stakeholder consultations please consult the Deadlines page.
By clicking on the links in below overview you will find:
– The original consultation
– AAE’s response
– A summary of AAE’s response, if available
AAE submitted a response to the EIOPA’s Discussion Paper on Methodological Principles of Insurance Stress Testing – Cyber Component. AAE’s submission can be found here.
The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – ESAs) published a Call for Evidence on greenwashing to gather input from stakeholders on how to understand the key features, […]
AAE submitted a response to IAIS’ Public consultation on draft criteria that will be used to assess whether the Aggregation Method provides comparable outcomes to the Insurance Capital Standard. AAE’s […]
AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s Consultation on the Supervisory statement on management of non-affirmative cyber underwriting exposures. AAE’s submission can be found here.
AAE submitted a response to the Commission’s proposal on: Insurance & reinsurance firms – review of prudential rules (Solvency II Directive). AAE’s submission can be found here.