
Risk Mapping For Social Security Pensions

Risk Mapping For Social Security Pensions by Tibor Parniczky Tibor Parniczky is an Independent Pension Consultant with public service, regulation and supervision, and actuarial background. Risk management and social security […]

New talent in the AAE

Our New Colleague introducing Stephanos Hadjistyllis Stephanos Hadjistyllis is a Senior Actuary and Project Manager The Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE) is pleased to welcome Stephanos Hadjistyllis to our team. […]

What should an actuary know about AI?

What should an actuary know about Artificial Intelligence? By Esko Kivisaari, Claudio Senatore And Bogdan Tautan   Esko Kivisaari is Chairman of the AI-DS working group Claudio Senatore is Global Senior […]



EAA Web Session: AI in the Health & Life Sciences: Ethical Challenges of Big Data
8 November 2024
10:00 - 12:00
EAA Web Session: Modern Financial Simulation Techniques
3 February 2025
10:00 - 12:00
EAA Web Session: Generative AI Crash Course for Actuaries
17 January 2025
09:00 - 12:30


The AAE 3-year strategic plan – shaping an evolution

The only constant we can be sure of is change – and as the world keeps changing, the actuarial profession must evolve too. Giampaolo Crenca Chairperson AAE   To this […]


S is for social – all about social sustainability in insurance

Jérôme Crugnola-Humbert Chairperson AAE – Sustainability and Climate-Related Risks Working Group   The potential of insurance as a positive social factor has long been understood: some Ancient Romans maintained subscription payments […]


Charity never faileth

Esko Kivisaari Chairperson AAE Artificial Intelligence – Data Science Working Group   Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT might finally bring with them the long-awaited benefits of AI. It is […]


Positions & discussion papers

AAE Note: Initial Perspectives on the Review of the Solvency II Directive
AAE Note on how Actuaries can provide an ethical and professional dimension to AI
AAE Note: The AI Act sets out the way Artificial Intelligence is to be used in the EU

Interested in volunteering

Volunteering with the AAE offers numerous benefits for both actuaries and their employers, including professional growth, networking opportunities, and contributing to the development of the actuarial profession.

  • To actuaries
  • To employers

If you are interested in volunteering please contact the AAE Secretariat by email and send a copy to your local actuarial association to get involved today.

Benefits of volunteering
The European Actuary Magazine