For open stakeholder consultations please consult the Deadlines page.
By clicking on the links in below overview you will find:
– The original consultation
– AAE’s response
– A summary of AAE’s response, if available
AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s Consultation on technical advice on the development of pension dashboards and the collection of pensions data. AAE’s submission can be found here.
AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s Consultation on draft Opinion on the supervision of long-term risk assessment by IORPs providing DC schemes. AAE’s submission can be found here.
AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s discussion paper on a methodology for integrating climate change in the nat cat standard formula. AAE’s submission can be found here.
AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s Consultation on Statement on supervisory practices and expectations in case of breach of the Solvency Capital Requirement. AAE’s submission can be found here. […]
AAE submitted a response to EFRAG’s Draft endorsement advice on IFRS17 insurance contracts as resulting from the June 2020 amendments AAE’s submission can be found here.
AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s Consultation paper on the draft Opinion on the supervision of the use of climate change risk scenarios in ORSA. AAE’s submission can be found […]
AAE submitted a response to the Commission’s Consultation Paper on EIOPA’s Supervisory Statement on the use of risk mitigation techniques by insurance and reinsurance undertakings. AAE’s submission can be found […]
AAE submitted a response to the Commission’s Consultation on Insurance & reinsurance firms – review of prudential rules (Solvency II Directive) AAE’s submission can be found here.